Possession of Schedule I drugs can land you up to 15 years in prison. In most cases, you could face a whopping $10,000 fine.
If you are charged with selling or attempting to sell a Schedule I drug, the fine could be as massive as $250,000 with up to 30 years behind bars.
An experienced, knowledgeable criminal defense attorney in West Palm Beach is the right person to call when the stakes are high.

The Difference Between Drug Classifications: Schedule Drugs
Schedule I and II drugs, chemicals, or substances are described as drugs without medicinal use. These kinds of drugs have a high probability of abuse.
Some examples of Schedule I include:
- Lysergic acid ditelluride (LSD)
- Heroin
- Marijuana
- Peyote
- Ecstasy
- Methaqualone
Some examples of Schedule II include:
- Fentanyl
- Methadone
- Ritalin
- Cocaine
- Oxycodone
- Morphine
- Adderall
On the other hand, medical providers often prescribe Schedule III, IV, and V drugs to their patients to treat injuries, illnesses, and other health-related issues.
Schedule III drugs put a person at a lower risk for developing a substance abuse-related disorder than Schedule I and II.
The more common examples of Schedule III drugs are:
- Anabolic steroids
- Ketamine
- Codeine
Drugs are strictly classified by their chemical makeup and how they interact with the mind and body. Knowing the differences between the types of drugs is essential to understanding their legal penalties.
Your Future
If you have been accused of drug possession or you’re under investigation, your future is at risk. Your loved ones will also face the alarming effects of your situation.
In such urgent circumstances, you need a defense attorney with the experience and knowledge to guide you through the next steps.

Contact a Criminal Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach
Get in touch with a criminal defense attorney to maximize your chances of reaching a successful outcome.